The Intriguing Facts Behind Shipping Containers Weight
The Shipping container is an essential element considered while shipping any cargo. The official weight of the container has to be provided before the shipping begins. Different places have their laws when it comes to container weight and size.
Depending on the type of the container, an average 20ft shipping container weight empty lies between 1.8-2.2 metric tonnes i.e about 3,970 – 4,850 lb and an empty 40 ft container weight between 3.8 – 4.2 tonnes i.e 8,340 – 9,260 lb. If a high tube container is considered, it tends to be heavier than a short container. The more heightened container means more metal, which results in more weight.

Is Weighing a Shipping Container Important?
Weighing a container becomes important to optimize the payload per its dimensions. This helps you determine when you comply with the regulatory guidelines and government transport regulations. Shipping containers’ weight limit plays an important factor in both export and inland movement of cargo units.
Unbalanced and overloaded shipping containers are avoided as they can be risky for container ships, road safety and the good itself. While shipping overseas, The IMO (International Maritime Organization) has made shippers submit VGM (Verified Gross Mass) of the shipping containers before being loaded on the ship to export. This minimizes accidents caused by overweight shipping containers and ensures safety.
The shipping organizations comply with the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) regarding VGM requirements, containers are weighed accurately and the loads are optimized to avoid future penalties and fines. Check the state truck size and weight limit laws issued by the Federal Highway Administration, under the US DoT, while transporting via road.
Containers are designed in a versatile manner in a way that they are lightweight and easy to move. There are two different types of shipping containers with different sizes and dimensions. The 20 ft and 40 ft shipping containers are the most popular compared to the other lengths.
What Is Tare Weight?
Tare weight is referred to an empty shipping container weight without any cargo or products. Tare weight is determined by subtracting the payload weight from the gross weight. Payload weight is the amount of weight that you can maximum fill the empty shipping container. Gross weight is the total weight of what container can hold. Shipping container max weight is determined by calculating the tare weight by a formula listed below.
Tare weight = Maximum Gross Weight – Maximum Payload Weight
How much does a 20ft container weigh?
A 20ft container weight consists of a tare weight of about 4,914 lbs, a maximum payload capacity of 47,900 lbs, and a gross weight of 52,813 lbs.
According to the ISO standard, 20ft shipping container weight boasts the following dimensions and capacity. Different types of 20 foot container weight are used as per the requirements.
20ft Open Top Shipping Container Dimensions:
- External measurement: 6.06m/2.44m/2.59m (20’/8’/8’6″)
- Internal measurement: 5.87m/2.33m/2.35m (19’3″/7’8″/7’9″)
- Floor area: 13.93m2 (150sqft)
- Volume: 32.85m3 (1160cuft)
- Maximum weight: 2230kg
20ft Standard Shipping Container Dimensions:
- External measurement: 6.06m/2.44m/2.59m (20’/8’/8’6″)
- Internal measurement: 5.87m/2.33m/2.35m (19’3″/7’8″/7’9″)
- Floor area: 13.93m2 (150sqft)
- Volume: 32.85m3 (1160cuft)
- Maximum weight: 2230kg
Click here to get the complete information on 20 foot shipping container weight.
How much does a 40ft container weigh?
A 40ft container weight consists of a tare weight of approximately 8,554 lbs, The max weight 40 ft container is 67,196lbs, and a maximum payload weight is 58,642 lbs.
The dimensions and capacity of the 40ft shipping container weight are listed below:
40ft Standard Shipping Container Dimensions:
- External measurement: 12.19m/2.44m/2.59m (40’/8’/8’6″)
- Internal measurement: 12.00m/2.33m/2.35m (39’5″/7’8″/7’9″)
- Floor area: 28.33m2 (305sqft)
- Volume: 66.83m3 (2360cuft)
- Maximum weight: 3950kg
40ft High Cube Shipping Container Dimensions:
- External measurement: 12.19m/2.44m/2.89m (40’/8’/9’6″)
- Internal measurement: 12.00m/2.33m/2.65m (39’5″/7’8″/8’9″)
- Floor area: 28.33m2 (305sqft)
- Volume: 75.32m3 (2660cuft)
- Maximum weight: 3950kg
Click here to get the complete information on 40 foot shipping container weight.
To Conclude
It is important to know the accurate weight while shipping containers. We deal in all the specs of the job with all customers interested in container rentals to cut down their budget. We also provide trucks and trailers for hassle-free transport when scheduled. If you are not sure and want to know the empty shipping container weight, reach us.
Shipping Container Size | 20ft, 40ft and 45ft Containers for Sale - Pelican Containers
We supply used containers as small as 6ft container to as large as 45ft container to fit your needs.